Well, this message is more about Landen's Heart Cath and Biopsy than about my birthday. However, because of his wonderful biopsy, I, too, had a wonderful birthday. The doctors said his biopsy could not be better, it was perfect, which means no rejection. In October the wonderful transplant team took Landen off one of his anti-rejection meds (Imuran) because he was having a hard time fighting off viruses (such as EBV or mono). By taking him off this med he had the potential to reject, but he has not. So, we get to stay on a really low amount of anti-rejection medication, which is good.
After the biopsy, I met with the transplant team. We were talking about the wonderful heart that Landen had recieved. The doctor told us, that it was a miracle that Landen received that heart, that that heart was for him. The reason it was so surprizing we recieved the heart we did was because it was so far away. Others in two other regions had to pass it up in order for us to receive it. We know that our Father in Heaven had a role in giving us this beautiful heart. I truelly believe that if we did not receive this heart, Landen would not have made it. He was in final stage heart failure and each day seemed to be getting worse and there was nothing more we could do. We are so thankful for that heart, and the baby girl that gave it to us. We are grateful to the wonderful DeJoode family for not only the miracle gift of the heart, but for the beautiful lamb they sent with it. They are an amazing family and we are so lucky to be able to communicate with them. We love you and our prayers will continue to be with them.
Congratulations little Landen! And of course happy birthday Tammy! So glad you guys are doing well. :)